I'm talking about me taking a dump. OF COURSE it's going to be disgusting!!
If there is one thing that I absolutely hate, it's having your sleep disturbed because you need to take a shit. I've been a little sleep deprived today because my body had to go sit on the porcelain throne. To make matters worse, I had to wake up twice to take a shit. To put things into a little bit more perspective, it wasn't the kind of 10 minute speed dump (A quick visual example, imagine ice cream oozing out of McDs ice cream machine. Yeah, I probably may have just spoiled ice cream for you) I had to sit on a cold toilet seat for about 30minutes (for both instances), with diarrhoea like shit literally blowing out of my ass. For those of you who have experienced diarrhoea, you know it ain't pretty. It was almost, if not actually, just really really watery like water, with little shit bits mixed in it. Nasty stuff.
This was the delayed result of I think, bad food that I had at a restaurant on Saturday night. I experienced some tummy ache after the dinner blaming it to be that I ate too much. I wasn't feeling very good the next morning but the rumblings in my tummy sort of eased off into the afternoon. I don't know about most of you, but for me, taking a shit needs to be done at the right time. There's a sort of timing that goes into it.
I thank God for this blessing in disguise as my tummy was looking rather bloated than usual, but actually it was just all that gas that has been accumulating up in there. Well the tummy's doing way better now than before. I feel like there's one more go at it then it'll all be business as usual :)
/facepalm don't experience that?
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