I have three words about the Melbourne trip:
Honestly, it felt oh soooo good to be back in a city where buildings are more than 5 storeys tall. The people, the buildings, the malls, the cars, the city atmosphere. I've missed it all. You know you've been away from 'proper' civilisation when you start going goo-goo-ga-ga over every tall building you see and the amount of people there are on the streets.
One of the first few things you notice when you're walking around Melbourne city is that everyone and I mean EVERYONE is soooo fashionable. People just dress so well there. Another thing, is that it's full of Asian people. It's good to be back to a place where I feel somewhat home away form home in a sense that there is a sizeable number of Asian people walking the streets which makes it feel kind off like back home. And STARBUCKS!! It's soooo nice to see that green mermaid again.
You realise what you've been missing out when you're in Melbourne. The shopping was fantastic. I bought 12 items which consisted of:
a) 7 t-shirts
b) 1 shirt
c) 1 pair of jeans
d) 1 pair of boardshorts
e) 2 hoodies. One for me and another for Clarice
f) 2 tops. I call them tops because I have no idea what they are.
The cash-ualty count, $410. Not too bad though out of the 8 of us who went on the trip, I took the title of biggest spender.
Planned on going to a famous club in Melbourne called Seven (7) or something like that. Unfortunately, one of our buddies didn't bring his ID so it was a no go. There was this pretty neat roof top bar that had a very nice view of the city. Went in to check the place out while the guys tried to convince the security guard to let our ID-less friend in. The bright side, we're planning to come back again after the 2nd semester for another round :P And this time ALL with IDs.
Summary of the trip:
1) Love the shopping malls. Chadstone you rock!!! Felt soooo alive after that.
2) Love the food. Roast pork, duck and chicken was too good. Also had teh ais. YAY!!
3) Love the people. Very very pretty girls everywhere. Just an observation.
4) Love Melbourne loads.