Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The recent decay in posts are all thanks to the demise of my MacbookPro's screen. I had to walk a good 20 minutes up Elizabeth Street before I got to the place. The funny thing is that I didn't imagine the Elizabeth Street would have been THAT long and the place THAT far. Well the good news is that I have sent it for a diagnostics test (after procrastinating for sooo long) and the bad news is that there might not be a problem with the chipset. Your're probably going, "Why the heck would Josh want his Mac to have aproblem with his chipset?" Well the beauty of this whole problem is (if I can say so myself) is that Apple will totally fix it for free. Yes you heard me right. for freakin' FREE!! Ah.. God bless Apple. This obly applies IF the Mac has a problem with the chipset. If not, I'll be paying a hell lot more than free I can assure you that. It's all up to you now God. Let it be the chipset and pwease pwease pwease let the hard disk be fine. I've got a lot of stuffs in there. I miss my music.

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